HomeBEAUTY10 beauty tricks that make your life easier

10 beauty tricks that make your life easier

Have you, like us, struggled in vain with that eyeliner line that just won’t show up? Or tired of repeatedly touching up your lipstick during the evening? Then you can benefit from these 10 great tips!

Photo: Instagram @sofiaboman/unsplash

Some beauty routines are time-consuming and are sometimes a real test of patience. How many times have you struggled and scribbled to achieve a perfect cat eye? Or allowed to touch up the lipstick once a minute? Now we have found 10 tricks that make life a little easier for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to finally know how to get rid of those little hairs that always ruin your tight ponytail?

1. Use a credit card to achieve a perfect cat eye
Place a credit card or piece of paper in the corner of your eye. Then paint a line with eyeliner along the credit card. The result is a perfectly straight line and you avoid a lot of mess.

Photo: REX

2. Spray perfume in several strategic places – then it lasts all day

In order for the perfume to last all day, fragrance experts say to perfume the back, behind the ear, the crease of the arm, the crease of the knee and indeed the navel. The trick is to spray perfume in places where the skin is thin, and if you spread out your perfumed points, there is also a greater chance that they will last longer.

3. Don’t test your new foundation on your cheeks

The skin on your face is not the same shade as the rest of your body. If you buy a foundation that matches your cheeks, the risk is high that you will get a foundation that does not match your chest and neck. Try them on your neck instead, the shade that blends into the skin is the one you should have.

Photo: REX

4. Work in layers when covering your pimples

Don’t just rely on the concealer to cover your nasty pimple. Instead, work in layers, first foundation, then concealer and finally a powder. The powder keeps the make-up in place and ensures that the pimple stays covered all day!

5. Get longer eyelashes with baby powder

If you want longer eyelashes but don’t want to fiddle with false eyelashes, you can use baby powder instead. First, paint a layer of mascara, dip a tip in some powder and apply to the lashes. Finish with another layer of mascara, repeat until you achieve the desired result.

Photo: REX

6. Save tired days by painting a triangle with concealer under the eyes

By applying your concealer as a triangle instead of a crescent, the eye will “pop” more. You look fresher and the eye will look much more alert.

7. Use matte products if you have oily skin

If you use a shimmery blush or bronzer, your skin will look more glossy, try matte products instead. You can use a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone as a highlighter.

Photo: REX

8. Get rid of baby hair with a toothbrush

Spray some hairspray on a toothbrush and then brush away those pesky hairs that always stick up. This trick saves every hairstyle and set.

9. Make lipstick last longer

Apply the lipstick as you normally would, but when you’re done, place a tissue over your lips. Then brush on a transparent powder over the handkerchief. Remove the tissue and you have a pair of beautiful lips that last all day!

Photo: REX

10. Heat the eyelash curler for best results

It will be a much more effective bending of the eyelashes if you first heat the eyelash curler with a hair dryer. Together with tip number five, you will be party stylish without a lot of hassle.

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