HomeNEWSRebecka Teper has passed away - was 50 years old

Rebecka Teper has passed away – was 50 years old

The actor Rebecka Teper has passed away, it reports The evening paper. “She was always a ray of sunshine and so fantastically funny and rap in thought and line”, says Felix Herngren who for many years worked together with Teper in the TV series The sunny side.

Photo: TV4

For ten years, Rebecka Teper played the character Lussan in The sunny side. Felix Herngren tells The evening paper that he still has difficulty accepting the sad news of his colleague’s passing:

“She was always a ray of sunshine and so fantastically funny and rap in thought and line. She always wanted to sharpen lines a notch extra and that’s exactly the kind of thing that elevates a comedy show to the heights. Despite her pointed tongue, Rebecka had a constant inherent warmth, which was contagious in the scene, and on all of us in the team,” he writes in a message to the newspaper.

Herngren also comments on Teper’s absence in the eighth season of the series:

“We hoped that Rebecka would be able to participate this season as well, but we were informed by her last winter that she would not be able to make it.”

except The sunny side During his career, Teper also participated in, among other things The shipping company, The bonus family and Pitch.

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