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10 Incredible Secret Things Your iPhone Can Do That You Didn’t Know About

Most iPhone users don’t know the true potential of the terminal they have in their hands. Today we are going to bring you some unknown and useful functions of your iPhone that you probably did not know about. You are going to love these secret things!

10 Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Doesn’t Want You To Know

1- Look at the photos and items you have exchanged with someone


If you’re looking for a particular image and you know who sent it to you, you can now search all files and links exchanged with a person or group. In this way it will be much more useful to locate an image.

2- Answer messages without unlocking the phone

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If you’re in the middle of work and you get an important message, but you’ve been avoiding connecting all morning so they don’t see your last connection time, don’t worry, that message won’t go unanswered.

You only have to press the screen hard and you will be able to answer that person without unlocking the mobile and without entering the application, so the rest will not know that you are operating.

3- Identify the apps that are leaving you without battery

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Battery consumption is one of the worst nightmares of every smartphone user. Now iPhone allows us to see which are the applications that are producing the most battery consumption on our phone, and to be able to remedy it. You just have to go to settings> battery> low consumption mode.

4- Low consumption mode

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Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode.

5- Teach Siri to say your name


Teach siri to pronounce the name of your contacts and not as it seems to her.

6- Check your stops

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On your last trip you were in a great cafeteria that you don’t remember where it was and you want to recommend it to a friend. This is no longer a problem, because if you are one of those who travels the world with geolocation activated, your iPhone will show you the places where you have been recently.

7- Call your doctor without unlocking the iPhone

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In an emergency situation it can be of vital importance to locate a relative or friend or even to know your blood group and medical history. On your iPhone you can now enter all this information and use it without unlocking.

8- The settings menu finally has a search engine

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A large number of users demanded a more intuitive way to find the different settings of their iPhone; Apple’s solution has been to incorporate a search bar within Settings to more easily find what you are looking for. Google searches like “How do I turn off roaming on my iPhone” are likely to drop dramatically.

9- Back to top

Just a tap on the top of your iPhone will bring you back to the top of any app. If you’ve been lost gossiping through Instagram photos, this is the best way to start over.

10- Search photos by day or place

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Within the gallery you can now search for photos both by date and by geolocation. Now it’s easier than ever to find photos from your last trip.

We hope you get the most out of your iPhone with these helpful tips!

Source: emgn

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