HomeTECHNOLOGYHow to find out who owns a phone number

How to find out who owns a phone number

It is possible to find out who owns a telephone number without it being registered on the mobile phone. Here’s how to find out who called you!

It’s possible find out who owns a phone number without it being registered on the mobile phone? Yes it is. All you need is the right apps, knowing the right websites and having an internet connection.

There are solutions for all tastes, the important thing is that the apps or websites have the number registered.

Apps and websites to find out who owns a phone number

Truecaller App (Android, iOS, Windows)

THE truecaller is used by around 250 million users – a true testament of competence for an app that lets you know who owns a phone number. A very relevant number that allows this app to have a huge database with information about all the phone numbers that exist in the world. In addition, it is available for Android, iOS and even Windows.

App Hiya (Android, iOS)

THE hiya is a real benchmark in this world of apps created for anyone who wants to know who owns a phone number. In addition to helping the user to identify the number that is making the call, Hiya can also automatically block numbers through personalized management made by the user himself. The goal? Protect the user against spam and calls that don’t matter.

NumBuster app! (Android, iOS, Windows)

THE NumBuster it is also one of the reference apps for anyone who wants to know who owns a phone number. It has almost 500 million numbers stored in the database and even has a interface quite appealing and simple to use. It is available for Android, iOS, Windows, Samsung, Amazon, etc.


Apps are not infallible and sometimes it is necessary to resort to other services to find out who owns a phone number. There are already several good examples on the internet, and most sites, however, are used to discover numbers of spamfrom companies that want to sell products.

Unlike apps, these sites work through user contributions. Fortunately, there are still those who contribute so that others do not have to answer their cell phones. Discover these examples:

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