HomeHEALTHArlena -14 kilos with Red Apple

Arlena -14 kilos with Red Apple

Arlene’s story

As a child, Arlena never had a weight problem. She then began to notice that if she got fat, shedding pounds wasn’t as easy as it used to be. She tried different diets but they were all too difficult and she lived them with sadness and monotony.

He learned about the ManzanaRoja diet through a Facebook group and from the first days he understood that it is different. Before, no diet allowed you to sweeten your coffee or milk. Now even sitting down to breakfast tastes different.

“It may seem trivial, but that teaspoon of sugar in the morning changes my day!”

In fact, anything is possible!

Slowly, even as he learned to manage his days and cook, he alternated the diet with the lunch sandwich, to the classic version. Thanks to sports, which he loves to practice, the caloric intake of the diet has always been quite high.

This has allowed him to enjoy very rich and appetizing dishes. He understood, learning to use the conversion tables, that with Apple Red anything is possible.

“Manzanaroja is perfect, thanks to the substitutions and the always rich menus, like very tasty!”

On a diet without sadness

Now dieting is no longer demeaning and variation is exciting!

With this diet you don’t feel like going off the menu, because almost nothing is missing. His goal is getting closer.

“Even though I know I’m much better now, I want to reach my goal and with Apple Red I will achieve it!”

Thanks also to facebook group.

Arlena rediscovers a dynamism she hasn’t had for a long time. She is agile, strong and energetic even in the early hours of the morning, she faces the days with great positivity.

Now she loves herself and, even when she goes shopping, she checks the labels, the food tables. Read, she informs herself, she likes to browse and keep up to date also in the ManzanaRoja Facebook group.

“The diet is fantastic and by combining the sport, I was able to shape myself and feel more and more myself!”

go ahead without fear

She says goodbye to the tracksuits and finds again the pleasure, the desire for femininity, to improve herself a little more every day. She knows that she will never go back because now she is no longer afraid to face things.

«With ManzanaRoja I want to improve myself day after day, I feel like another person!»

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