HomeUncategorizedWelcome 2023! 8 New Year's Resolutions for Health

Welcome 2023! 8 New Year’s Resolutions for Health

With the entry of a new year, it is customary to set goals for our life. Many of them are about improving our well-being – both physical and mental. Therefore, the new year resolutions for health are transversal to the vast majority of people and we will help you define clear and attainable goals to put into practice during 2023.

Forget about restrictive diets and non-stop physical exercise. Here, you will only find balanced, consistent and achievable New Year’s resolutions for health, which is what you want.

Do you already have your New Year’s resolutions for health?

Check out 8 suggestions


practice physical exercise

Yes. This is a mandatory goal in any healthcare New Year’s resolution. However, that doesn’t mean spending hours on end at the gym, but it also doesn’t mean that doing zapping on television count as sport.

Regular physical exercise is essential, but it must be adapted to the characteristics of each individual. If you are already used to doing sports, then you just have to extend that routine during this year.

If, on the other hand, you are going to start this activity, then you should start progressively, preferably with the help of a professional, and remembering that a walking 30 to 60 minutes a day is already an excellent way to reap benefits from the practice of physical exercise.

For those who are more distracted, we remind you that doing sport:


Have a medical checkup

When you think about New Year’s resolutions for health, one question arises: How long has it been since you’ve been to the doctor? Maybe you won’t even be able to answer this question, such is the time that you haven’t visited a clinician.

So start the year with a medical check-up makes perfect sense, because it’s the best way to:

  • know if everything is fine with your health and organism;
  • prevent some problems;
  • understand the aspects you should pay more attention to in your body.


Practice healthy eating

There’s no point in doing sports or going to the doctor if you don’t practice a healthy diet in your day-to-day life, that is, a balanced and varied diet.

Drink a lot of water it is fundamental and, basically, to be guided by the food wheel, betting on a diet very rich in vegetables and fruits, controlling the intake of protein and carbohydrates and, above all, reducing fat, sugar and salt.

Salads with fusilli pasta


Decrease stress levels

For many, this will be the hardest New Year’s resolution for health to stick to. Effectively, the anxiety it’s the stress are dominant evils in today’s societies and it is not surprising that they are at the origin of many health problems.

Therefore, our suggestion is that you try to fight the stress:

  • better managing your time and schedule by planning your daily tasks;
  • setting priorities;
  • delegating everything that is possible to delegate.

You should also make time for yourself and to relax, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day to:

  • walk;
  • listen to music;
  • to do yoga;
  • among other activities that induce calm and well-being.
8 Ways to Start an Inspired New Year

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8 Ways to Start an Inspired New Year

This is one of the New Year’s resolutions for health that many commit to, but which they often give up in the first few months or weeks of the year.

You tobacco harm are known to all, but it is worth remembering some, such as:

  • decrease in average life expectancy;
  • skin aging;
  • potentiator of cardiovascular, cardiac and pulmonary diseases;
  • increased risk of various types of cancers.

There are several means of support available to those who want to put an end to this addiction. Therefore, you should seek help and Quit smoking today.


Sleep better and longer

Sleep is often underestimated, but its quality can be decisive for a more productive and productive day, both in your professional and personal activities.

Sleep well and the number of hours suggested by specialists (about 8 hours per night for adults), can help in particular:

  • increase resistance to stress and infections;
  • improve concentration;
  • help to lose weight.

Of course, sleeping poorly will have the opposite consequences to those listed above.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try:

  • change some evening routines like making a light dinner;
  • disconnect from electronics and technology;
  • keep the room dark and at a comfortable temperature.
woman suffering from sleep apnea


Apply sunscreen daily

This goal may seem a little unexpected, but it is increasingly important to take it into account and put it into practice as one of the New Year’s resolutions for health.

THE sun exposure overuse is responsible for 80% of skin diseases and the truth is that every day, even if it’s not summer, even if you’re not at the beach, there’s always a part of your body that is exposed to solar radiation.

For this reason, and to help avoid problems such as photoaging or skin cancerfor example, you should apply it daily, especially in the most exposed areas (face and hands, for example), sunscreenabout 15 minutes before leaving home.

The last resolution encompasses all the others and much more. It may seem like a cliché, but the reality is that with the fast pace of everyday life, we forget what is truly important and makes us happy.

Going for a walk, reading a book, having a good laugh, hanging out with family and friends, learning new things… are just some of the things that we often don’t put into practice throughout the year.

So, the challenge is to include some of these activities in your schedule and “force” yourself to take some time for yourself and for these simple but so special things.

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