HomeHEALTH6 years of the Apollo Method, Technique for obesity

6 years of the Apollo Method, Technique for obesity

Endoscopic suture also known as Endoscopic Sleeve, Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve, Endosleeve or Apollo Method It is a non-surgical and minimally invasive technique to treat obesity that began six years ago. Therefore, we celebrate the anniversary of this technique, mainly known as the Apollo Method, which continues to be the newest option to be incorporated into the range of obesity treatments.

Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in different international studies that support its effectiveness at the level of weight loss results, as well as its advantages over other techniques.

In this article we review some of the main questions in relation to this bariatric endoscopy technique.

Operation: How does it help to lose weight?

In the same way that it happens with other obesity surgery techniques, the Apollo Method acts on satiety levels. The reduction in stomach capacity achieved by endoscopic suture causes a early feeling of satiety which makes the patient feel full with smaller amounts of food. It also acts on Ghrelin (hormone that controls appetite). In this way, it is much easier for the patient to initiate the change of habits necessary to lose weight.

What does the intervention consist of?

The intervention allows to reduce the stomach by 60-70% and leave it in the form of a tube. The procedure is carried out by endoscopy.

What has this technique meant in the treatment of obesity?

Regarding obesity surgery techniques, the Apollo Method provides greater comfort and less risk than other surgical options, since the intervention is carried out by endoscopy with all the advantages that this entails.

With respect to other bariatric endoscopy techniques, the reduction in stomach capacity, which is achieved with endoscopic suture (Apollo Method) is greater and, furthermore, as it is a continuous suture system, the intervention is permanent.

Efficacy, safety and low risk

After more than six years of experience and numerous medical studies carried out, the Apollo Method has proven to be an effective option in terms of effectiveness and low risk for the treatment of obesity.

At the end of the article we list different international medical studies that we make available to our patients. These support the effectiveness of this technique with weight loss of between 18-20 kg on average.

Advantages of the Apollo Method

The Apollo Method presents different advantage in comparison, both with other bariatric endoscopy techniques and obesity surgery, and which are mainly:

  • Technique very little painful for the patient.
  • minimally invasive.
  • no scars.
  • Fast recovery.
  • Minimal risks of infection.
  • results of weight loss above 50% of excess weight*.
  • Permanent: the endoscopic suture that is achieved with the Apollo Method is for life.
  • Improvement of other diseases associated with being overweight.
  • Improvement in quality of life.
  • It facilitates and allows to obtain a change in eating habits and lifestyle healthier.

Apollo method and multidisciplinary follow-up

At Obymed we always uphold the maxim that “It’s not just what we do, but how we do it” and this is applicable to any treatment of overweight and obesity.

In the same way that it happens with any of the other endoscopic options (Swallowable Balloon, Gastric Balloon or POSE Method) or surgical (Gastric Bypass, Gastric Band, etc.) the technique is always the starting point. The main tool to help start treatment is the multidisciplinary approach and follow-up by the medical team, keys to achieving weight loss.

At Obymed we are lucky to have one of the most recognized medical professionals in this technique. Our Medical Director, Dr. Rafael León, is an international trainer of this technique, combining it with his work at the head of the Obymed medical team.

Like all techniques, the Apollo Method not suitable for all patients. In general terms, it is an option suitable for most cases of mild obesity and obesity. However, if you want to know if this technique is appropriate for you, the best way to find out is requesting a free informative appointment and without any commitment to our medical team.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Medical studies that support the Apollo Method

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Shortterm outcomes of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in 1000 consecutive patients.
Gastrointestendosc. 2018 Dec 19.pii: S0016

.Sartoretto A, Sui Z, Hill Cet al. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Is a Reproducible and Effective
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Study. Obes Surg. 2018 Jul;28(7):1812
doi: 10.1007/s11695018-3135-x

.Khan, Zubair & Khan, Muhammad Ali & Hajifathalian, Kaveh & Shah, Shawn & Imam, Mohamad & Saumoy,
Monica & J. Aronne, Louis & Lee, Wade & Sharaiha, Reem
ANALYSIS TO COMPARE ENDOSCOPIC SLEEVE GASTROPLASTY, ASPIRE ASSIST AND POSE. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy June 2018. 87. 10.1016/j.gie.2018.04.053

.Hajifathalian, Kaveh & Saumoy, Monica & Dawod, Enad & Shah, Shawn & Rosenblatt, Russell & Kumar, Sonal
& Schwartz, Robert & Sharaiha, Reem. (2018). Sa1885 – Weight Loss and Improvement in Hepatic Steatosis
Index after Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty. Gastroenterology May 2018 . 154.S432. 10.1016/S00165085(18)317086.

.Lopez Nava G, Sharaiha RZ, Vargas EJ, et al. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty for obesity: a multicenter study of
248 patients with 24 months follow-up. Obes Surg. 27April 2017 [Epub ahead of print].

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